"DESCRIPTION 1"="For nearly every section of a GPO, a different DLL is responsible to apply this GPO to the local machine. For each of these DLLs, you can configure how it should be applied: Only when a GPO has changed (default) or every time a user logs in (enforced)."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="That there are two different modes for applying GPO allow you to choose what is more important to you: Speed or Security. "
"DESCRIPTION 3"="The default mode (that is, only apply the GPO when there were a change or when it's created), is very fast since this mode simply checks if the GPO has changed. If it hasn't changed since the last time the GPO was applied, the DLL will not do anything and exit directly."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="The enforced mode (that is, always apply the GPO, regardless if there were changes) will make sure that the settings you have defined inside the GPO are 100% applied. However, since they are applied every time the GPO processing starts, they can degrade the performance of this computer while this takes place."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="A checkbox beside an item means: Use Enforced Mode. No checkbox means: Use default mode."